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Alone Together

Directed by Erin Martinez

Cast: Ross Graham, Isabella Mangione, Brian Ting, Kimberly Weinberger, Luke DePron, Ivonne Molina, Kai Pedersen

After breaking off their budding relationship, Julian and Devon struggle to return to their lonely lives apart. With a unique storytelling device, the audience is able to view two characters’ stories at once.

Plays in

San Diego State University Films

Our students collaborate with faculty to develop and realize their creative potential as artists, scholars, leaders, and global citizens. We practice diversity, equity, and inclusion and support pluralism through theoretical explorations and practical experience in theatre, television, and film.
Our pedagogical approach leads students from critical analysis through problem solving into practical action and the realization of art, scholarship, and transformational educational experiences.

*Note: (Sections do not have showtimes. Click on individual films to locate their respective showtimes and screening tickets)