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The Freedom Fighter

Directed by Clint Burkett

Cast: Rudy Van Hunnick

“This story of Willem van Hunnik a Dutch Resistance Fighter in WW2 and Rudy Van Hunnick his son is told in this short discovery documentary.
Rudy Van Hunnick was only 14 the day the Nazis broke down their front door trying to get his father, the underground Dutch Resistance Fighter Willem van Hunnik. His father was a patriot and did what he could to help others during the Nazi occcupation of Holland in the early 1940s.
Willem devoted his shortened life helping others escape the Nazi regime that had taken over Holland. Whether it was to help the Jewish people relocate or rescuing a downed plane crew, Willem was there with food and water and ways to get a crew back to England before the Nazis arrived on the scene.
Recognized for his heroism, van Hunnik was memorialized both at a huge military commemoration in 1984 and with a granite block placed outside the family home in Amersfoort, Holland in 2016.
This is a story right out of the mouth of his now 89 year old son Rudy and it needs to be told.”